Interview 2014
How did ondfodt start can you tell me a bit of the history and
concept of the band?

idea behind the band was to create something really raw and
aggressive. Naturally the visions have evolved with time. One red
line in most of our stuff including songs that are now in progress is
groovy riffs and rhythms.
lyrics are hateful and deal with dark and destructive matters.
with only 1 previous ep you guys have made it pretty far ? how do you
view upon that ?
have worked hard and also had the good fortune to get to work with
people who have helped us a lot with things such as promotion &
distribution etc. Kenneth from Frykt Band Promotion is a good
example. He has helped us spread out lots of CDs and merch in Norway.
also should thank Immortal Frost Productions and Witches on Fire
Records for their effort and devotion.
what were some of the bands that inspired you both past and present ?
bands that influenced us much during the first era of the band was
Carpathian Forest, Marduk and Dissection. We were also inspired by
some trashier stuff, which can be heard on some songs from our
debutalbum. Then of course we have taken influences from a little
here and there.
are more and more seeking inspiration to our music from folklore,
myths and local histories rather than from other bands.
What is your take on Satanism ? many black metal bands tend to sort
of play around with the image,
are indeed many who abuse the term Satanism.
tend to use it as a social thing rather than what it actually is and
should be, a religion...
who decide to walk this path should do so wholeheartedly instead of
playing around.
like Jon Nödtveidt and Selim Lemouchi for example, deserve much
respect since they actually gave their lives for Real Satanism.
order not be mixed with people who play around with Satanic image, we
would rather refer to our practises of art as Deathworship. This is a
more suitable term that pretty much speaks for itself.
and Occult themes are much present in our lyrics.
your sound is quite raw and very much like the old school days of
black metal ? when forming the band ?
was indeed what we had in mind when we started up the band.
late 80's and 90's Swedish and Norwegian scenes have been big
influences for us. We also bring out that same energy that was
present in those days at our liveshows.
What is currently happening in the band?
are preparing ourselves for some more liveshows. The next one will
take place 22th of November in Jakobstad, Finland.
we recently got the tapeversion of our debutalbum released by Witches
on Fire Records. Cassettes can be purchased from their webshop and
they come together with brilliant looking patches.
musical material is being prepared for future releases as well. At
this point we have two brand new songs finished (one of them will be
played at the gig next month).
talk about your latest album HEX KONST what can you tell me about it
from what Ive heard its quite a nice piece of art! ?
releasing the EP we started working on the album. Songs kept coming
at quite a fast pace and after what now seems to be a short time, all
material for the album was finished. We had high motivation to get
the album done so most things went smoothly. There were some line-up
changes along the way though but we kept the flames burning high.
did the recordings in many sessions due to various circumstances. We
had access to an own studio (Wolfthrone Studios) and enough equipment
to record it by ourselves. This meant we could avoid timelimits and
stress and that we had the chance to take the time we needed to take.
vocalist handled the mixing of the album so that gave us a big
freedom. Then a friend of and mentor of the band helped us by
handling the mastering of the album.
are very glad with how the album turned out.
Artwork for Hexkonst was made by the brilliant Karmazid. It is a
really impressive work of art that we are proud to bear on our
record. When we got to see the artwork we were in the middle of
recording the album and it really raised our morale in the band
during the recordings and mixing.
How was the writing process for that record?
began in April 2013 the moment we decided to start the band. Working
on the album was an important step forward for us regarding
songwriting, mixing and recording etc. It was an essential process
for us that will lately be forgotten because of the personal value it
held. We wouldnt be close to where we are today if we wouldnt have
done this record.
required some endurance along the way but we are pleased with the
How do you guys approach songwriting ? do you like meet up in the
rehearsal room and jam or do you write individually ?
of the stuff is written individually. It happens on some occations
though that riffs and ideas are brought to life while jamming.
of art is a holy process! It requires a great connection to ones
spiritual self to create great art. Thus we prefer to write music
when the required spiritual energies are most present.
needs its time to grow. If the process is rushed it will most
certainly destroy the music.
emotional connection between writer and music is what is important!
Speaking to a musician to another todays music scene is quite big but
also its hard to get a noticed since so many bands are coming up ,
what is your take on it ?
if you know what you are doing it and have something interesting
going on everything is possible. There are many bands out there but
you have to aim to play better and create better music than them.
Then you just have to be stubborn and dont stop before you have
achieved this.
the right channels to reach out to fans is important. Facebook isn't
ideal anymore since they keep on making it more and more difficult
for the bands who doesn't want to pay them to reach out to their
what do you think about the metal scene today any new favorites ?
talented bands are coming up and many old legends are still around.
There are some waves that we aren't too fond of but overall the scene
looks quite good though.
who works to create original music in these bad economical times when
monetary aspects are extra tempting and when many believe that
extreme metal has reached its peak and cannot progress much further
deserves praise for their work.
What are your belifs in ghosts and such since Halloween is just
around the corner ? lets talk some horror movies^^
had some paranormal experiences through the years but nothing that
bears enough evidence to support the existance of ghosts.
is possible and it is possible as well that some kind of reflections
from other dimensions could appear that could be percieved as ghosts.
lack of evidence makes it seem a bit unlikely though that ghosts in
their traditional meaning exist.
Favorite movie to watch on Halloween ?
rarely watch movies.
how was the reponse on your new album from fans and media ?
haven't read or heard any negative feedback on the new album so far.
There have been more interest from fans and media than we imagined
there would be beforehand.
what are your thoughts on the digital era that is upon us and fans
are more for digital mp3 albums than actual cds ? does that affect
you ?
an inevatible process that has been taking place for many years now.
There is of course a charm in holding a physical CD but the bitter
truth is that CDs are of the past. Perhaps CDs will become trendy
again in 20-30 years just like Cassettes and Vinyls, who knows.
wouldnt say it affects us very much. We make music and keep the
engines running for the sake of creatin music. The creative process
is what is important and if people listen to the music on vinyls,
mp3:s or on CDs isn't that important for us.
it comes to downloading we think it is great if as many people as
possible get to hear our music and feel affected by it. If we were
into making money we wouldnt be playing black metal in the first
Do you think that the economy is allowing bands to live on the music
or just the big ones ?
economic part can be quite difficult. Equipment & travelling are
things that requires lots of money. You have to have quite a name for
yourselves as a band if you are to be able to live on the income
recieved from tours and record/merchsales.
music should have as little as possible to do with money, at least
when it comes to the creative process. Money corrupts art...
is a full time job if you are to really put your soul into writing
music. Even if you aren't physically creating music all the time it
is always present in your head.
have got the get money from somewhere if you are to be able to
one wishes to make big money there are easier paths to choose than
to play black metal though.
Your latest album was released on Immortal frost production how has
that corporation been! ?
has worked out really well. They put much trust in us and they have
been great to work with.
are many horrorstories about recordlabels in general but we had the
great fortune to get to work with a serious label.
Since you are a live band , how often do you guys meet up and
practice together ?
try to rehearse at least once every month. Then when we have gigs
coming up and also when we have new songs to learn we rehearse more
favorite song to perform live?
is one of them. Catchy tune and a solid opening song. Giganternes
Vraal and Verlden Er Min Slakteri are others that are really fun to
play live. Also one of the new songs that is yet unnamed is fun as
hell to play live.
What do you think of the local music scene is it big where you live ?
it comes to extreme metalbands there aren't many active bands around
except for Magenta Harvest, Underjord and some other.
have some great musicschools here in the area and there is a really
great newbuilt music hall here in Pietarsaari. There are many
cultural events and the musicscene here is very much alive. There are
very much talented folks here and skilled musicians.
What's the plan for 2015 ?
aim to play more gigs. There have been talk about some international
tours but we shall see how it turns out. Also we will keep on
working on new material and see in what form and when we decide to
release new stuff.
are sadly reaching the end for now!
Any last words to friends and fans ?
you all for your support and devotion! Hope to see you all on tour
one day!
been a pleasure speaking with you !
to catch up soon!